A win for Obama

17th October, 2012

Fascinating watching the second presidential debate live here in the USA. Whatever your politics Obama came out way ahead of Romney, not just on style the obsessive preoccupation of American commentators, but more importantly on substance.

In a statesmanlike fashion Obama articulated coherent positions on equal pay, employment, energy, the economy, and immigration. Whilst Romney failed to land any punches and was thin on content.

The high drama came when Romney accused Obama of not telling the truth when Obama described as an act of terror the murder of the American ambassador in Libya. Romney got it wrong, and was politely corrected by Obama, not accepting that, he was firmly put in his place by the moderator of the debate. Romney failed the most basic test of debating, if your not sure of your facts don’t say it! Hardly presidential material.

Obama has strengthened his lead in the polls following this debate.
I hope to follow the third debate and Election Day itself and will keep you posted.

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