19th January, 2011
The cuts forced on the Council by this Conservative led government are entirely unacceptable and will lead to a decline in services and a loss of jobs. I joined the recent march organised by trade unionists to protest and I will continue to argue that these cuts are politically driven and are not just to do with the national deficit.
Several suggestions were put forward by myself and colleagues at a meeting a few days ago of Labour councillors and I am pleased to see that some of these have been accepted: no cuts to school crossing patrols and libraries for example. However I am surprised and disappointed that the suggestion, made By Cllr Patrick Kitterick, that we as councillors should pay for our car parking has been rejected. I proposed that we install a pay and display machine for members, someone else suggested a £250 flat charge. I am prepared to support either idea. We as councillors need to make our contribution in these difficult times. I also proposed other ways of saving money that would not hit the front line. I shall be questioning these cuts hard at scrutiny and making and supporting proposals that might help protect jobs and services. This includes questioning the idea of charging people from outside the city to enter New Walk Museum. I am sure we will lose more money in grants as our visitor numbers drop than we will make in charges. Will I have to take my passport not to have to pay? How does this work with our tourism strategy which is all about attracting visitors to the city? Watch here for more details.
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